Healing 2
Monday Morning
May 19th - June 23rd
(no class May 26th)
9:30am - 11:30am Pacific Time
Prerequisite: Meditation 1 & Healing 1
Our Healing 2 class explores additional methods of healing yourself and others, deepening your spiritual healing practice using the tools and information learned in Meditation 1 and Healing 1. Where Healing 1 had a focus on healing the spiritual part of you, Healing 2 expands into healing body energies, as well.
Click here for more information on our Healing Classes
This is a 5-week class, meeting once a week for ~2-2.5 hours. It is offered online on Zoom. There is no class May 26th.
Please arrive at 9:00am to check-in and to receive an aura healing before class.
Registration ends on the day before the second week of class.
Teacher: Rev. Rani
Please note that this class is only available to students who have completed Meditation 1 & Healing 1.
Registration note: After you register, you will receive two emails. One is your payment receipt and the second is a welcome email with class information and the Zoom classroom link. Please check your spam folder if you do not immediately receive both of these emails.